
Friday, April 17, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Wow, what a week!

Monday started off with a monumental event!  Michael swam on his own for the first time!  I spent some time touring the church that will host our second History "Share" event.  I'm so excited!  
Tuesday, Tera participated in a math competition-a timed test taken on Algebra 1.  I was shuttling from the competition to a flute lesson, then back.  We were exhausted after lunch and headed home.  We had one of our last rehearsals for community choir that evening. 

We had great fun going out to lunch to celebrate making it through the competition!

Wednesday, we took the car into the shop.  I love our auto shop!!!!  They fixed my windshield wipers, so I can see clearly now!  Everything looked great and I was so relieved!

Yesterday was chess and karate day.   Michael was sick last week, so he's had three nights of karate this week.  He's feeling much better on allergy medicine.   My kids LOVE going to chess and I don't see that changing.  I get to sit with talk with other "chess moms", so it all works out in the end.  

Today, I'm wearing a hat...because I'm getting my hair done!  Very happy about that!  

Tomorrow!  Well, let's just get through today first!