
Friday, April 3, 2015


I have always wanted to go through a Passover Seder meal with my children.  Usually, I've looked at all the prep and just couldn't find the time or energy for the entire process.  I found a great resource that makes it easy for Christian families to teach their children about the Passover.  (Click on the link and subscribe to receive your own two-page guide to a Simplified Seder Supper )

This year, Good Friday and Passover happened to fall on the same day.  Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples at the Last Supper.  

We remember....

God delivering his people...

How Jesus washed his disciples feet...

God is our Creator and how we can be enslaved in sin, just like the Israelites were in bondage to  Egyptians...

We remember....

His body broken for us...

The bitterness of the enslavement the Israelites faced....

How God can take the "bitter" parts of life and bring "sweetness" out of them...

The Passover Lamb sent to take our sins upon His shoulders...

We remember....

New Life...

His body broken for us....for you!

Our redemption from sin and slavery!


This was a beautiful experience for our family and one we'll not forget.  While not authentically Jewish, it's still teaches the symbolism behind the parts of the Seder.   One of my children requested that we do this every year...a new tradition!