
Thursday, March 12, 2015

You are Unique

 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

While suffering from insomnia the other night, certain thoughts came to my mind.  Maybe it was Tera's science chapter on DNA and Punnett squares that got it all started.  

My mom used to tell my brothers and I (over and over again) growing up that she never regretted her marriage to our dad, because it gave her three beautiful children.  All the emotional turmoil was worth it because of...US.  Three unique individuals that were created through their union.  

Then, I started thinking about my three unique individuals sleeping soundly in the next rooms and this wonderful man snoring beside me.  How they are half me and half him.  That they are only who they are as individuals because we married each other.  How if we had not married or our parents had not married, we wouldn't have been--they wouldn't have been.  

You are unique!  God designed each person with their own DNA--that road map of genes that makes you,  the only you,  there ever will be.   How AWESOME is that?   Be amazed at how you were created through a long line of "two people" that came together making you special and unique!

For more thoughts on Psalm 139, check out my article at Home and School Mosaics.