
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Gettin' Older

The past few weeks have been a blur...

I'm always on top of annual appointments and go to them without fail. So, right after the first of the year I scheduled my yearly ob/gyn appointment.  I walked away from that appointment scheduled for my first mammogram and because of some test results a referral to a gastroenterologist.  

I've been a very healthy person for a long time, so I see my ob/gyn doctor and usually don't bother with a primary care physician.  Well, I turned 40 this year and I decided it was probably time to have a physical.  

When I went last Wednesday, everything seemed fine.  On Friday, I went for the gastroenterologist consult and left that office with a scheduled colonoscopy (for tomorrow).  I walked out of there and went straight to my new primary care office to complete my lab work.

I received a call later that afternoon saying I needed to go pick up antibiotics for a bladder infection, needed to change my diet and exercise because my LDL was borderline high, and I was anemic.  They called back yesterday telling me I needed to pick up a prescription for iron.  And I thought I was going to get to do over-the-counter.   

I'm a mom with three kids, being tired is just something I take for granted.  I have noticed feeling more tired as of late and sleeping a bit longer, but I didn't really think about iron issues.  This is why you need to have those annual appointments.  They help diagnose issues that maybe you didn't know about.  That you just kinda dismiss instead of getting a medical opinion.  I'm not one to run to the doctor for the sniffles, but preventative care is important. 

I have been very bummed out and anxious the past couple of weeks.  I'm feeling old and tired.  I've joked a lot with JP about "this is the reason why people saying getting older STINKS!"  

Every night, we sit together and write in our thankful journals.  It reminds me and centers my thoughts on who is really in charge.  

I'm thankful my pap smear and mammogram came back normal.
I'm thankful that I was able to schedule my colonoscopy early, so it didn't interfere with an upcoming event.  I'm thankful that I have good doctors that I can trust and that call you personally when there is a problem. 
I'm thankful for insurance!  
I'm thankful that I know God is with me and taking care of me no matter what!  
I'm thankful for good friends who offered to watch the kids on Wednesday, so JP can accompany me without worry. 
I'm thankful for a good book that has been distracting me from some of my anxieties. 
I'm just thankful!