
Monday, January 5, 2015

A new desk and a new trail mix

I love it when my kids save their money and buy things of substance!  Tera bought this nice secretary desk for her room.  It gives her so much more room and it's a piece of furniture she can use for a lifetime.  

If you've read my blog for anytime at all, you know we eat a lot of lentils.  I bought a bag of red lentils a while back and haven't gotten around to using them...until now!  

I found this great recipe for a Lentil Trail Mix:

It's basically 4 ingredients:  lentils soaked and then roasted in the oven, mini-chocolate chips, cranberries and sunflower kernels.  The recipe has you roast the soaked lentils in the oven for 25 mins.  In the future, I would do closer to the minimum time of 20 mins.  They were very crispy!  All the kids loved this recipe...for now!  (They change their minds sometimes.)  Tera said she liked the crispiness of the lentils.  It's a very healthy snack.  

I used a bit on my cottage cheese for breakfast--very yummy!