
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015--A Year of Thanks

Every year,  I spend the month of November giving thanks on my blog.  It makes such a difference in the way I think about things, situations, and circumstances in my life.  Impressed with how much my thinking changed, I wondered what would happen if we (as a family) made it a daily practice to give thanks.  Not just in our prayer, but to actually journal our thanksgiving and praise.  

For Christmas, I purchased each person a journal.  I tried to make it fit the person receiving the journal.  Each evening around dinner, we will write at least three things we are thankful for from that day.  We'll share at least one thing we've written down.  

Why do this?  

A month of chronicling my thanksgiving on my blog changed the way I think.  
As a family, I want us all to share in the experience.  
It's also something to look back upon when days are long and things are not quite going the way we'd like.  
It teaches our children that "every good gift is from above" and to "give thanks in all circumstances."

I hope to update and share on a monthly basis.  Why not join us in our year of thanks?  I can guarantee you won't regret it!