
Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 8

Wow, today was a long day! We left home a little after 7 AM and got home a little before 7 PM. The kids played in a chess tournament in Oak Ridge.

 Here are our praises for the day: 

  • Michael won a game in a chess tournament.  He played five games to the end.  Overall, he had a great day with behavior, especially for such a long day.  

    •  for friends to share the day with

  • That Tera and Daniel each won at least one game against some great competition.  And that their 7-9th grade homeschool team won 2nd place in the team competition.  It really made up for their lack of placing in the individual awards. They are already looking forward to the next tournament. 
We are so thankful for all the coaches and tournament directors that spent their day (and so much time before) preparing/helping/teaching the kids and the work they put into the tournament itself.