
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 4

This is one of those days that I'm extremely thankful for being a two car family. It wasn't always that way and we coordinated all our activities around JP's work schedule. With flute this morning, voting, CCI meeting, 2 choir practices later this evening and JP working late, it's nice to have two cars. 

I'm truly thankful for the right to vote.  

I'm so overwhelmed at the thought that our prayers matter to God.  He cares about the things that worry us, and every little thing that concerns us.  He wants us to bring not only our lives but all those worries we have to HIM!

"Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!"  
1 Peter 5:7 

I'm thankful for medicine when I need it, a dishwasher, a working washer and dryer and a refrigerator that keeps my food edible.  

I give thanks for rest when I need it and a home filled with my "brood" that I love so much!

I'm thankful that my mom finally made it on facebook and can keep up with her Tennessee children.  It makes me so happy to see her auto-corrected comments on my posts.