
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 24 and 25

Whoops...I missed yesterday! 

We had such a long evening with two rehearsals that by the time I got home about 9:30 PM, my brain was shot.  I'm fighting those voices in my head that keep telling me that I'm a failure, that I'm going to mess up this concert royally, that I'm going to be horrible.  Last night's rehearsal (my part of it) didn't go that well from MY perspective.  

BUT...I'm thankful for multiple people who encouraged me last night and today.  

I'm thankful that I'm only one little part of this big picture and even if I mess up a little, it won't ruin the whole thing. (Now, I'm seriously praying that doesn't happen!)

I'm thankful for my husband's crazy sense of humor that reminded me to make sure my shoes fit properly.  Just so I won't trip and become a viral hit on YouTube.  He's so funny!

I'm thankful that my son plays the flute beautifully.

I'm thankful for my daughter's beautiful, natural voice and her desire to be apart of two choirs this semester.

I'm thankful for my littlest one and all his chatter.  His little hand that still fits in mine, but only for a little while longer.

I'm thankful for God's grace as JP and I parent these three awesome kids.

I'm thankful for the Muppets and a new generation that loves them, too.

I'm thankful for seeing Tera's first choir concert and having dinner out with my brood!