
Saturday, November 22, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 22

Today I give thanks:

  • that I can still do minor Christmas shopping with my 5 year old present.
  • for Tera and Daniel's great chess tournament.  Daniel came in 1st place with 3.5 wins and Tera tied for 2nd with 3.0 wins.  Tera's best showing at a tournament!  I am so proud of both of them.
  • that my husband likes to plan little surprises for the kids
  • for celebrating successes together as a family
  • for a beautiful walk outside
  • for sore muscles 
  • that after helping some friends move and watching a movie until late that MAYBE my kids will sleep in
  • for God's infinite wisdom
  • that He knows my kids better than me and wants to help me as I parent them
It's been another long day, but I give thanks for all the blessings this day had for us!