
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 19--Thanksgiving Party

We invited some friends over today for a Thanksgiving party: 

I'm thankful for fun and laughter!

We played Thanksgiving Pictionary with words like: Green Bean Casserole, Wishbone, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and others.  We did Thanksgiving MadLibs, jokes and conversation starters. 

We made Thanksgiving Day cards for our grandparents.

Thankful Pumpkins

And everyone took home the makings of their own Thankful Tree

I'm thankful for God's daily provision!

Each family brought food for our combined feast!  It was awesomely delicious! 

I'm thankful for good friends! 

(Proof that home schoolers do know how to stand in line like rock stars!)  

I'm thankful for my friend, Sarah!  I thought of her today because the last time I hosted a home school Thanksgiving party, she was there.  I miss her living nearby, but I'm so glad that we get to keep in touch on facebook!