
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Day 11

When my brother passed away, we had a funeral bill we didn't know how we were going to pay. I had been up for over 36 hours straight and frankly, signed my name on the paper without thinking about where that $9000+ amount was going to come from. As I was going to bed, JP said something to the effect of "Honey, we signed that paper, where are we going to get that kind of money?" I looked back at him and said, "I don't know, there is nothing I can do! God is just going to have to take care of it!" I fell asleep.

The next morning a friend of the family was asking if my brother had life insurance and offered to call his place of employment. She talked to the owner there and he said my brother had taken the paper work but never turned it in. He also said his brother and co-owner was out of town and he wanted to call him to talk over the situation. 

Soon after, he called back and told our friend to tell us to have the funeral home to send them the entire bill. I couldn't believe it! In my hours of desperation, when faith was my only hope-- God came through.  He provided!  He used this man and his brother to meet our need.  

For the past several years, my mom has been taking food to their business for their workers as a thank you to the owners.  She went today.  They told her how much they appreciated it and how thankful they were for her lunch.  They just don't realize how much God used them to bless our family on one of the darkest days of our lives.  

I tell this story again and again.  A story of thanks to God for His provision.  A story of thanks to two men who let God use them to bless others.  A story of mustard seed faith that I didn't produce on my own. 

Thanks be to the Lord in heaven for His merciful provision when our faith is so small!