
Friday, October 24, 2014

Wizzy Gizmo Review

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Justin Cummins & Chris DelAguila are two fathers and the founders of Wizzy Gizmo, who saw the need to provide Bible-based entertainment options for their children.  From that need, came Wizzy Gizmo!  

What is Wizzy Gizmo? 
About Us

In a media-saturated society, it's hard to follow the mandate of Deuteronomy 6.  Wizzy Gizmo is a kids' Bible series geared to ages 4-12 that believes in "equipping children for life with God's Word."  These resources are meant to supplement Bible study in family devotion times, home schools, churches and other areas of Christian education. 

For this review I received the Wizzy GizmoFast Track New Testament Series ($14.99): "A twenty-seven card set, each containing a New Testament book summary, key chapters, passages, doctrines and people." 

Our favorite parts:

  • As a mom, I love the durability, eye-catching colors and details to the Fast Track New Testament Series cards.
  • Tera loved the memory verse for each book of the New Testament.
  • Daniel really enjoyed the concise theme for each book.  
  • Easy to understand as a kids' Bible study tool, but great for adults, too.  
  • While the full-color books and audio dramas are great for younger children (as well as older), these cards engage the middle school and up student wanting to do more in-depth Bible study. 

Possible uses:

  • As a home school, we are reading through the New Testament one chapter a day.  When we start a new book, the kids will read the Fast Track card to get an overview.  
  • These cards are a great addition to family devotion time.  
  • Our church reads through a book of the Bible at a time.  Fast Track New Testament Series helps to key the kids in on important doctrines, passages and ideas in our Bible study.  

  • How about memorizing the key verse from each book of the New Testament?

  • These cards would also be a great Christian education resource for Sunday School teacher and children's workers.  These would be a great go-to resource at the spur of the moment. 

Other products:  

Who Created Everything?
Book One in the series that introduces children to Genesis 1 and the Author of Creation.  ($12.99)

An hour long dramatization of the days of creation with fun music.  Click on the link above for samples!
($9.99 digital download; $14.99 CD + digital download)
A full-color, 58 page book that covers chapter 2 of Genesis.   Teaching kids they are special and unique, because they are created in God's image.   

Free Resources- Bible Verses Every Kid Should Know
A free weekly devotional and worksheet with a new memory verse!  

How to find Wizzy Gizmo:

Google Plus

Be sure to check out more reviews from other Homeschool Mosaics writers!