
Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up: Just Pluggin' Along

Weekly Wrap-Up

We are 69 days into our school year and things are just pluggin' along nicely. 


Most days, you can find him building things with Keva blocks, Legos and any other building supplies we have.  He's reading, doing a little spelling (fun stuff), math and handwriting.  We're reading aloud Mr. Popper's Penguin, playing games and having tons of fun! 


Tera is loving 8th grade!  She is studying the American Revolution and really diving deep into this subject she has loved since 1st grade.  Algebra 1 is going very well for her, as well.   But...chess school is what really inspires her right now.  Their chess coach has been giving them lessons, books and videos to study.  Some days (after school) it's an eat, sleep, play chess/think about chess/learn about chess kinda thing.  I'm okay with that!  


Daniel is finding his groove this school year.  He does his work (most days) without complaint or a lot of redirection.  I've really seen a growth in maturity this year.  I combined his science and history curriculum and that has been a good fit for him.  Sometimes he just surprises me with what he produces.  He is also suffering from Obsessive Chess Disorder.  Eating, sleeping, breathing. It's a whole new set of lingo and vocabulary for this reluctant chess mom.  

JP and I:

JP has been working 12 days straight, most of those 10-12 hour days.  It's been rough.  Yesterday, he actually took off a couple of hours early, because his back was hurting.  Then, we were gone all afternoon to chess.  He got some much needed alone time, but said he would have rather spent time with us.  He's so sweet!

I got new glasses yesterday.  Since I strictly wear contacts except for my nighttime reading before bed, I've been wearing the same pair for about 7 years.  They are very ugly, asymmetrical and not very nice.  JP really disliked them.  So, I figured it was time to go ahead and get another pair.  Fortunately, our eye care center had a deal for contact wearers like me.  

I got a solo in the upcoming Messiah performance.  Very excited about that!

I also went with a friend last Friday night to find my dress for the performance.  I love it!   It's one of those dresses that make you feel so good about yourself, yet just a little self-conscious at the same time (Can I really wear things like this?).  I need to buy more clothes like that!

Tonight, I'm going to a game night at a friend's church and next week is full of friends, learning, classes, fun stuff and CHESS.  We can never forget about chess.