
Monday, September 15, 2014


Tera only had one disappointment on Saturday when we got a ribbon preview.  The one project that she worked so hard on (The American and Tennessee Flag project) didn't have a ribbon.  We got home today with all the projects and as she was taking off all her tags, she noticed the tag said 1st place.  She had indeed won 1st place for that project and the ribbon was lost!  Tera said she didn't even care about the ribbon.  She was just happy that all her hard work had paid off.  

This was Michael's first time to enter any projects in the fair.  He was so excited about all his ribbons!

Daniel won best in show for his class, which means he got more points (Blue ribbon-5 pts.; Red ribbon-4 pts.; etc.) than anyone else in the junior class.  

I'm so proud of these kids and all their hard work!