
Friday, September 26, 2014

Fun Day

Every year our little town has a fundraiser for the volunteer fire department in the form of a "fun day".  This has always been a much anticipated event in our home.  I knew it was bound to happen.  When you have children so far apart in age, it's inevitable.  Last year, it began.  I took all the kids and the older kids were not quite as fascinated by inflatables, face painting and the like.  (Although the dart throwing was a hit!)  

This year, Tera and Daniel had a chess tournament on the same date.  They did not show the least bit of interest or grief about missing "fun day".   So, I left Michael at home with JP and they went together.  Michael had a fun day and so did Tera and Daniel. It's bittersweet, but I guess I better get used to this balancing act.