
Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up: One of those Crazy Weeks

Weekly Wrap-Up

Monday feels like it was two weeks ago!  Have you ever had one of those weeks where every meeting, sign up, lesson, tournament, etc. just seemed to fall on that week?   It's been one of those weeks for us!

On Monday, Tera and Daniel did some canning entries for the fair.  JP took Tera's peach jam to a co-worker and she let a friend try it.  Tera actually made a sale!  

Flute lesson and CCI meeting had us on the go Tuesday during the day.  Both Michael and I had a swim lesson on Tuesday evening!  I have to say, I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm doing things in the water I thought I would NEVER do.  It feels awesome to finally be doing this!  

Wednesday, we had a wonderful time with our writing workshop friends.  

Then, CRAZY Thursday!

Tera and Daniel at chess...

Then, we went to sign Tera up for a community middle school choir.  

Michael was so happy to play in the fountains.  I knew I had a change of clothes in the car, so I just let the boy go for it!  

After I got Michael in clean, dry clothes at the car, we went out to dinner with our friends to Chic-fil-a before attending a Celtic band concert at the library.  It was a packed house!

Today, I left the kids working on schoolwork while I went grocery shopping. (The only perk of JP's work schedule right now.)   This afternoon, Tera and I got haircuts.  

It's been a long week!   We had so much fun with great friends, but we are tired! 

I have absolutely no plans for this weekend.  I do not even want to think about leaving my house until next Tuesday.  Some weeks are just crazy busy!  You get through them and they make you so much more thankful for the relaxed weeks.  I'm looking forward to one of those kind of week.  

Linked up to Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers