What a week!
I have felt on-the-go this week--2 swim lessons, flute lesson, chess for the afternoon, shopping mixed in between, mowing this morning. I need an early bedtime for sure!
I feel like I'm coming out of my "funk" just a bit.
Today, the kids (Tera and Daniel) and I sat down for a meeting. I outlined some of my expectations for them and we talked about priorities/upcoming deadlines. They are obsessed with chess right now. I just want to make sure that we deal with time management and I guide them through balancing their interests with responsibilities.
Expectations: Taking ownership of your schoolwork; daily instrument practice; come to Mom or Dad for help with your schoolwork (do not skip things you don't understand); show your work; weekly work with Michael; rooms clean before videos.
Priorities: 3 part daily devotions--Bible reading together in the morning; family devotions and prayer; personal devotions; music/instrument; family responsibilities: (School work, chores, clean rooms and any extra work that Mom and Dad need help with)
Deadlines: Meals on Wheels crafts, fair projects (art, canning, photography, etc.) and Sept. Chess tournament.
Doing this with them, felt like we were all on the same page. It helped me feel more organized and like all my ducks were in a row.
We are changing up spelling next week and I've ordered a new writing program, Jump In: Writing with Sharon Watson. We are 31 days into school and I'm changing things already. But, I'm okay with that! (The kids were really excited when I mentioned the new changes, so that has to be a good sign!)
My weekly planning is getting back on track. Flying by the seat of your pants is not a good feeling for anyone.
Revolutionary War studies are going really well for Tera!
She's been cooking so much this week and it all has been so yummy! (Dilly Rolls-pictured below)
A cool photo Daniel took this week using my camera.
Kindergarten has been relaxed as of late, but this boy is constantly learning. It's almost scary! He's been reading to himself chapter books at night and building like crazy. Yet, I still worry! I'm glad I have friends who snap me out of it!
We got our yearbooks this week! (Yes, our homeschool group does yearbooks!) They are so awesome!
So, even though the last couple of weeks haven't went exactly the way I would have hoped, I just keep looking forward instead of looking back. Letting go of my own unrealistic expectations....
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one
thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what
lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14