
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weekend Happenings

 Tera's creation from the boys' Keva blocks

JP has been working 6 days a week, so we spent our day at the library on Saturday.  Michael and I watched our friend, Scott perform while Tera and Daniel went to chess club.  It was a great show as always!

We had lunch and then Michael went to the Lego club for the first time.  We've met another family at the summer reading programs this summer.  So, it's was nice to chat while our kids are playing.  

Tera and Daniel went to a Learn to Solder class with the KnoxMakers.  They saw some fellow homeschooler friends and had a blast! 

Daniel got a prize for doing something in the class, a little 3-D printer defect.  I'm sure it's in a safe place somewhere.