Tera- 8th grade
Language Arts:
125 Ways to Be a Better Writer and Teaching Genres- These are two older books I randomly picked up from book sales that teach writing and the various genres of literature.
Creative writing group with friends using

Tera asked to spend an entire year studying about the American Revolution. At first, I said, "No", but then start thinking, "Why not? Isn't that why we homeschool?" Since I couldn't find a whole year's curriculum, I decided to do what I've always done. Piece things together.
We are using the following two books as a springboard in addition to other historical fiction and non-fiction books from the library. I'm finding lots of resources on pinterest as well!
I'm adding to my pinterest board on a weekly basis. She looks through the pins and picks out what activities she wants to include for that week's study.
Tera needed some variety in science this year. We decided to again piece together things she was interested in studying.
Each week, she spends one day a week on a different area: Kitchen Science; Life Science, Chemistry and Animals.
Science Experiments You can Eat and Kitchen Science
CK-12 Life Science
Elements of Faith with supplemental work on the Periodic Table of Elements
God's Design for Science: World of Animals
Latina Christiana with Book of Roots
Fine Arts:
Art lessons
We use a variety of resources for music and art! We listen a lot and we create a lot!
If you read one chapter of the New Testament every weekday, you can read through the New Testament in a year. So, we started that in January and we are continuing that throughout this school year. We are also finishing our catechism curriculum from last year, My Faith.
Daniel- 7th grade
Saxon 76 and Saxon 87
Language Arts:
Spelling Power
125 Ways to Be a Better Writer and Teaching Genres-These are two older books I randomly picked up from book sales that teach writing and the various genres of literature.
Easy Grammar Plus
Word Roots
Creative writing group with friends using

Science and History:
Daniel's love of science caused me to combine his science and history using Joy Hakim's book, Aristotle Leads the Way with Teacher's Quest Guide and Student Quest Guide developed by John Hopkins University.
I've been very pleased with this curriculum. It provides cross-curriculum activities that we incorporate as well.
Latina Christiana with Book of Roots
Fine Arts:
Private Flute lessons
Art lessons
We use a wide variety of other resources for music and art! We listen a lot and we create a lot!
If you read one chapter of the New Testament every weekday, you can read through the New Testament in a year. So, we started that in January and we are continuing that throughout this school year. We are also finishing our catechism curriculum from last year, My Faith.
Michael- Kindergarten
Please read my post 10 Essentials for Homeschooling Kindergarten for more of what we do overall.

Language Arts:
We use a lot of reading resources: old school textbooks, readers, library books, Abeka readers, First Reader reading supplement. Anything that is on his level, and we own it...we use it!
A wide variety of workbooks and manipulative items.
Kindergarten Math: 5 Activities Using Teddy Bear Counters
Lesson Pathways has some great resources I'm picking and choosing from for math.
Pinterest is a great place to find hands-on math ideas.
God's Design for Science: World of Animals- Tera is doing this with Michael once a week.
I'll add more science as we go, but nothing too formal for kindergarten.
Fine Arts:
Art projects
Singing, dancing, playing!
Year of Little Lesson Plans- Tera and Daniel are picking through these thematic lessons and doing various activities with Michael.
Listening along on our journey through the New Testament and we use lots of Bible story books!
Also linked up to Hip Homeschool Hop, and List It Tuesday