Homeschooling Kindergarten does not have to consist of structured curriculum and rigid schedules.
Here are my:
Games are so much fun and can teach the same skills you would pull your hair out trying to communicate. They also teach good sportsmanship and patience!
Some of our favorites (Really, there are too many to list):
Candy Land (colors)
Dominoes (numbers and addition)
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is our go-to resource. I will say it is not a fit for every child, but both my boys completed it successfully. Don't feel pressured to have your child reading by the end of the kindergarten year. It doesn't happen like that with every child.
Read...Read...READ to your children. Read them books they like, books about history, books about science, poetry, Bible stories...really, read them ANYTHING!!!!
I wrote this a couple of years ago and it's still relevant:
Get those squirmy little bodies out of the house! Go on walks, talk about what you see, let them draw things, notice their surroundings, and just be.
The Fine Arts
Listen to music, sing along, dance.
Create and make things!
It doesn't have to be formal, just let your kids experience the arts and let go of picture perfect results!
Videos and Computer Time
While this is not something to overuse, educational video and computer learning programs are a wonderful tool to utilize in your kindergarten.
Some of our favorite computer websites and games:
Building Things
My sons love to build things. On any given day, my kindergarten usually pulls out at least one of these:
Lincoln Logs
Tinker Toys
Keva blocks
younger children love building things. My son spent the entire morning
making a Lego maze, and that is perfectly fine! He's learning problem
solving, creativity and using his imagination.
Character Education
If you haven't started already, character education is vital!
Bible stories, memorizing easy Scripture verses, learning to share, to be kind, and to serve others are essential skills not just for kindergarten, but life!
We Choose Virtues is a great introductory program that has a positive approach to teaching about kindness, gentleness and other virtues.
Life Skills
Simple chores-emptying trashcans, picking up after themselves, helping with dishes or laundry and any other age-appropriate skills
Tying shoes
Basic cooking skills or helping make dinner
Hygiene (Washing hands, coughing into elbows, and brushing teeth, etc.)
The most important essential for homeschooling kindergarten is FLEXIBILITY!
Some days are just not going to go according to your plans. That should be expected and it's perfectly fine! Go with the flow! Let them play! Lots of learning takes place in play.