
Friday, June 13, 2014

Jam-Packed Week

One more picture from VBS...

Tera made a beautiful and delicious cake for Pentecost Sunday (the birthday of the Church)

Michael has been entertaining himself (and driving me crazy) with lots of paper...

It's just not summer without snow cones!

This week we've hosted lots of night we had our mother/daughter Bible Study and the next night a girls' game night.  My menfolk had to go out one night and stay upstairs the other.  I think we need to do some boy stuff soon, so they don't lose their minds. 

Oh, and I had my first EVER swim lesson!  I have a great instructor.  I felt so great when it was over.  I floated all by myself and put my face under the water, which are such huge feats for me.  I cannot wait to get past this mental block and really start swimming!  It's only a matter of time!  

Daniel composing the music to "The Departure of Boromir" from The Lord of the Rings book. 

Chess club, returning a rental flute and just life in general.  It has been a  fun, jam packed week!