
Friday, June 20, 2014

Hodge Podge~ Week in Review

Our last week in no particular order...

A new haircut and swim lessons for ME this summer!  I'm getting over my fear of the water and it's been really wonderfully freeing!   

Cute flip-flop cookies Tera made for our Bible study.  I have been coming away feeling so encouraged every Wednesday night of our study!  It was been an awesome experience this summer!

Last Saturday, Tera and Daniel participated in a small tournament at our local chess club.  It was for all the kids who have USCF membership to establish their ratings.  They are going to have these on a more regular basis.  Tera did better than she's ever done at a tournament, but Daniel struggled.  We talked about how you learn more from losing than from winning sometimes.  He has matured so much and took his losses in stride and is so much the better for it.  I'm so proud of Daniel for that!!

While Tera and Daniel are at chess, Michael and I have been the dynamic duo at the children's programs.  Last Saturday, we heard all about the Appalachian Bear Rescue organization that rehabilitates bear cubs for release back into the wild. 

Daddy and his crew on Father's Day

We surprised the kids by taking them to see Turbo in the Carmike Summer Movie Series yesterday. JP took a half day off of work and met us there. Seeing their faces when Daddy showed up was priceless! (He cannot do things like that often). This was Michael's first movie in a theater.  He enjoyed himself so much. 

Then, JP brought Michael home and I took Tera and Daniel to the library for chess club. I got over 2 hours of just me time!  I read (almost a whole book) and listened to classical music on my MP3 player.  It was so relaxing, I almost fell asleep! 

I picked up some burgers and fries from the grocery store to make for a quick dinner.  It turned out to be one of the best days this summer!