
Friday, May 30, 2014

Museum of Appalachia---Take 2

Carving of Mark Twain-His father's cabin is also located on the grounds.  

The "museum" is out of this world.  There were probably hundreds of thousands of items in this space.  The Display Barn houses tools of all kinds (two stories).  We spent the majority of our time in the Hall of Fame.  You could wander around in here for literally a whole day and still not see/read everything.  

Just a couple of the unique instruments!

JP and I actually saw Bill Monroe in the Nashville Airport a couple of weeks before he died.  I recognized him immediately, but he looked so tired that we didn't approach him.  I'm not sorry that I didn't. 

I think this little kitty wanted to go home with us, he/she actually tired to climb in the car at one point.