
Friday, April 4, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up

Has it been a week since I last posted? 

The week was full of activity---lots of physical activity!  The boys are in the middle of swim lessons.  Michael is trying to get over his fear of going under the water.  He is doing a whole lot better!

One night, Tera made these adorable and healthy desserts for us in our new push pop set. 

I've been trying to retrain my brain to think of health in regards to activity level vs. the number on a scale.  So, everyday this week we've taken advantage of the weather and went for walks--long walks.  Any day we are out in town, we go by the library and walk on the trail there.  It is so beautiful and there is always tons of wildlife.  We've been averaging between 2 and 3 mile walks.  On the days we do not make it into town, we walk around our little neighborhood.  Sometimes I walk by myself and sometimes we use it as PE.  I'm shooting for over 10,000 steps in a day (roughly 4 miles).  I even bought myself a couple of pairs of workout shorts.  I'm not one of those people who can pull off wearing yoga pants. 

Our beautiful view:

I've never seen these birds before starting our walks on the library trail.  They are called American Coot.  Their feet are some of the freakiest things I've ever seen.  

According to my children, no week is complete without Chess Club! 

We started meeting with some other home schoolers this week for a time of sharing the kids' creative writing.  We'll be learning and sharing once every couple of weeks.  

Lots of other exciting things are starting to come about, hopefully I'll talk about some of those before next Friday!