
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Every Good Thing

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 

James 1:17 

The boys doing their impression of a fictitious character named "Mrs. Kramer"--think grumpy librarian.  It actually might be a representation of my personality lately.  I'm experiencing some major grumpiness lately.  Mixture of spring fever and ready for school to be over, when we have SEVERAL weeks left.  

I have several ideas I'm getting ready to start.  With last week's busy-ness, frankly, I've been overwhelmed and discouraged. JP and I had a long conversation last night.  He always talks me through my "stuff" and I went to bed feeling better than I have in at least a week.  I get so wrapped up in all the things that aren't going the way I think they should.  Forgetting that God has plans that go way beyond my little thinking. 

I'm trying to "go with the flow" especially with school.  We started some projects for the fair in September.  

Michael's painting entry

In addition to our Resurrection Eggs, I'm doing this Holy Week activity with Michael.  I've wanted to do it for a couple of years, but this year he's just the right age for it.

I need to plan more art, music and field trips as we finish up this year....and count my blessings.  Definitely that last one!