
Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Big Reveal

Just in the past week or so, JP has changed schedules--radically! He went from basically the night shift to a day shift. He now gets up earlier than when he was going to bed just a few weeks ago. I love this new schedule! We will have a long time before we get all the kinks worked out, but we're getting there.  One day, I actually had DINNER ready before 3 PM.  My timing needs some adjustment.

Another issue is alone time.  

We are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary next week...20 YEARS!!! Our house is over 100 years old, so it has a unique set up.  Off of our bedroom is a smaller bedroom that was Michael's nursery.  It would be great for each of our kids to have their own bedroom, but there is no way that they can traipse through our room to get to it.  So, we are blessed to have our own little spot off of our bedroom.  

So far it has looked like this....piled up boys' clothes that need to be sorted...

unused exercise equipment, Christmas paper, luggage, baby gates, and that big pile in the middle that needed to be donated.  

I had this idea that I would clean out the room, donate the pile and find places for the other things.  No easy feat.  I about had a heart attack the day we donated the things.  They had to be moved from our upstairs to downstairs and from there to the car.  We took them to the CCI where we had to carry them through the building and up 2 flights of stairs.  There were other donated things that needed to go upstairs, too.  Let's just say, I can finally move my arms again. 

This is in the middle of our redecoration.  The kids and I hung curtain rods, vacuumed, cleaned windows and baseboards.  

Then, we hung pictures.  These aren't just any works of art.  All of the paintings in "Daddy's room" were painted by Uncle Curtis and Pop Pop (my husband's grandfather).  Most of Uncle Curtis' art is abstract and just didn't fit with our other decor.  But in the blank canvas of this getaway room, they are perfect!!

I absolutely love how this room turned out.  We spent only $2 (for new curtain rods)  to turn this storage room into a nice functional get away.    Eventually, we will change out the chair, but for now--it's functional!

We revealed early because we were scared he would find it ahead of time and the surprise would be ruined.  He loved his new surprise!  

Now, we need to finally get our office in order...that's for another month...I'm pooped!