
Monday, March 24, 2014

Not Settling

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you 
great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

I'm not even sure how to begin...

As many of you know, my husband and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary this year.  My husband wanted to do something really nice for me and get bedroom furniture for us.  Decorating is really not my thing and I say I'm content with a hodge podge style.  I just don't have time to think about things like that.  I'd LIKE something nicer, but I don't want to spend the money or the time to accomplish it.  

So, when he brought up the idea, I thought how nice and thoughtful!  He knows I would like to have a decorated bedroom with coordinating things.  He wants to spend the money he makes from working so hard for a luxury for his wife.  I'm overwhelmed with the thought!

Immediately,  I began looking for ways to be frugal, to settle for less than what my husband wants for me.  He wants something really nice and I'm checking out thrift stores.  (There is nothing wrong with thrift stores, but it wasn't exactly what he has in mind for this occasion!)

I have been thinking a lot about how this compares to my relationship with God.  God wants so much for me, for you.  He wants us to have freedom in Him, wants to show us forgiveness, wants us to know how much He loves us.  

How often we look at God and all the blessings He has for us; blessings that only happen as we draw into a deeper relationship with Him.  We say,

 "Oh no, Lord...thanks, but this little bit is enough.  I'll settle for this gift that is less than You really want for me.  I'm good!  This little bit of You and Your blessings is quite enough! Really!"  

Yet, something in our spirit feels that we somehow have passed over something better had we only waited.  And in our waiting...drawn close to Him!  

So, here I am today after struggling over the whole thing for days.  I want to get the lesson here....I want to have a receiving spirit.  As my husband leads our family, may I honor him and his love for me. It might take a little longer to get it done, but it will be so much more joyous of a gift.  

May I honor my heavenly Father, even more and wait for the spiritual blessings He alone can give!