
Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up--Valentines and Other Stuff

This week in addition to our school work and outside activities, we've been working on Valentine's Day decorations.   Well, Tera's been doing a lot of it.  I have to harness her holiday energy somehow! 

 Table centerpiece made by things we had on hand--
 Cake stand, Christmas ribbon, candles, pieces of ribbon and potpourri 

 Yarn hearts

Michael's homemade valentines

I saw an idea on pinterest about counting down to Valentine's Day with a daily affirmation.  I've been posting these every night on the kids' bunk beds.  

In other news, one of my children that has been having a hard time with school work has had a huge improvement the past two weeks.  It has been awesome to see!  This child has been getting up earlier than anyone else to do math, because they work better!  

We started art classes this week.  Tera and Daniel are working on self-portraits this session.  

In two weeks, our schedule is going to flip flop.  JP is switching work schedules after 7 years.  This is really a very good thing, but it will be an adjustment for all of us.  I'm trying to take things as they come at this point.

Speaking of taking things as they come, I did do a mid-two week shopping trip this time.  A small one, but I did get some pretty good deals.  I did my shopping today and I have to admit it was a bit stressful. I had church food to buy, a party, Valentine's, a birthday and I'm sure I forgot an event in that list.  I'm just telling myself if you forgot something, don't worry about it and pick it up later.  I was upset that eggs had went up so much even at Aldi. (We eat a lot of eggs!)    I was having a hard time not feeling down about how much money I spent, but then I remembered that I spend way less than the average family of 5.  So I have to let it go and thank the Lord for His provision.  

February is a busy month for us, but we're just taking it one day at a time!