
Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up: Plans? What Plans?

We had so many plans this week--lessons, chess club, a Valentine's Day party. Well, things rarely go as planned. I thought I had learned that lesson already. Guess not! 

Tera and Daniel started the week with what seemed like allergies, then morphed into a horrible cold.  Coughing, blowing, stuffy heads have been their week.  Michael woke up with it today.  I'm hoping my lack of sleep is why I'm not feeling quite 100 % today.  

On top of not feeling well, a winter storm that blew in 7 inches of snow sealed our resolve to cancel all plans and stay at home.  

Michael had his first piano lesson with Tera this week.

Snuggling with Daddy...

We took yesterday off from school totally.  A snow/sick day.  With all the snow, the kids only wanted to be out less than an hour.  We now have two decapitated snow men in our yard and the last vestiges of the "most snow Michael has ever seen."

Today, we're taking a relaxed approach to school--reading, audio dramas, games, etc.  It's hard to focus on math when you're sneezing your head off.  

We'll still have some Valentine celebration today, but it will be quite calm.  Hopefully, everyone will be better next week and back to normal.  We've got quite the week coming up!