
Friday, February 21, 2014


I saw this great short film a while ago (You really need to watch it!)   and it came to mind today as I have been pondering this whole issue of validation and social media. 

In this online world, we often put conditions of our feelings of being worthy, having "arrived" or being "validated"--

If I have so many subscribers to my blog...
If I get this many page views in a month...
If my facebook page has this many likes...
If my posts are retweeted by someone more "influential"....
If I make money from my blog....

Then, I'll be happy.... Then, I will have made it....

It doesn't work!  It shouldn't be like that! 

Sometimes, we look for validation and affirmation from people who don't even know us.   We take our self worth from the number of likes we get on a status or how many retweets we get.  We can so often miss out on the experiences and people in real life...

I enjoy writing this blog and I used to not care how many people read it.  Somewhere along the way I got a bit more concerned with stats, followers and how to reach more people on facebook.  A lot of my online acquaintances are "professional" bloggers, so I got caught up with all the ins and outs of the business side.  

When all I really want is an outlet, a hobby, a way to express things to whoever stops by and wants to read.  I still can find myself thinking about things, comparing myself....

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with people making a living from blogging. It's great if that's your desire.   But I need to remember I'm not one of those people.  

I want to get back to my original journal our life's journey and try to help people when I can!  Writing what I want, when I want, being true to my calling instead of trying to gain "validation".  

Encouraging others and validating them--not for their accomplishments, but for who they are and why they are special. Getting my validation from the Creator and fulfilling my purpose in HIM!  

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please HIM.
 2 Corinthians 5:9

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Colossians 3:23

Several things have sparked  this thinking...Frontline's Generation Like episode (There is some disturbing, sad content in this film concerning what some teens are doing to gain validation.)  and the blog post- Destroy the Pedestals