
Friday, January 3, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up 
We started the week still on Christmas break! JP and Michael got the sinus/cold thing I had right after  my stomach bug before Christmas.  So, we've mostly been hanging alone lately. 

New Year's Eve

Michael did his own thing for much of the evening before retiring late for him/early for us.

Daddy being goofy...

We played Apples to Apples, Swish, Sumoku,  and Taboo.  Then, Tera and Daniel played 10 Days in the USA.  Lots of fun snacks and games!    We ended the night with a movie, but I went to bed early.   Tera, Daniel and JP brought in the New Year together!

I made this cake:

We made the mistake of trying to slice it before it was chilled.  It's much better chilled...awesomely better!  

We started easing back into school on Thursday with a trip to the library, reading aloud and games.  Today, the kids worked on art and quilling while I read aloud.  We did an Indoor Bible Scavenger Hunt and math games.   I started short reading lessons with Michael this week as well.  Monday,  we'll start back with our full school schedule minus any of our outside activities. I hope we're ready. 

Daniel has been enjoying drawing with the charcoal sticks and new oil pastels he got for Christmas.  Tera spent her own money to buy a tackle box to hold her quilling supplies and finished projects.  I think that is going to work well for her.  

To see other Weekly Wrap-Ups, visit Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers!