
Friday, January 17, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up: January 17th's Friday!

Last Sunday, we went on a beautiful hike at Middle Prong, probably my favorite place in the Smokies.  This week we are pretty much back into most of our subjects.  Frustration has been a constant theme for one of my children this week.  Missing too many problems in math or not getting a concept.  One morning we were all just in a cranky mood, so we stopped and prayed that we would be patient with ourselves and others.  Right now, we are focusing on areas we've improved on and cutting ourselves some slack.  

Speaking of cutting yourself slack....

I kinda took the holidays (Well, most of the fall, too) from exercise and eating right.  I'm getting back on track with moderate exercise that I just fit into my day and cutting back on sugar.  I found some great recipes yesterday that really hit the spot!

2-ingredient cookies--Now, don't think of these as cookies or you definitely won't like them.  Think of it as a different way to eat your oatmeal.  If you are looking to cut refined sugar and just need something sweet, these are good.  (I added some carob chips and raisins in mine.)

This was awesome!  I left out the banana and it got me through that afternoon slump.  

My husband's job has a healthy living incentive program that saves you money on your health insurance premiums.  You have to earn points throughout the year after you have a biometric screening in March.  If you are already healthy (BMI, Waist to Hip ratio, cholesterol), you get automatic points.  Just enough incentive to get me moving right now!   

I'm just taking one day at a time and focusing on improvement. 

Wednesday was the first week we've had music lessons since before Christmas.  It was a cold and early morning.  That afternoon we went over to a friends' house to hang out.  Yesterday, we took a trip to the library and stayed for chess club.  My kids hate to miss it now.  Usually, there are not very many younger kids there, so Michael doesn't get to play.  I decided even though it was freezing cold, we'd take several short walks instead of sitting there the whole time.  It was quite pleasant.  I got some exercise in and I didn't have to deal with Mr. Crankypants for 2 hours.  When Tera and Daniel were done, we all took a walk.  It was so cold, but it clears the head and mind to take walks in winter.

Today, I felt the kids' frustration mounting again.  So....we took a long walk around our neighborhood to the post office.  It was frigid again, but sometimes getting out there, even in winter is the best thing for you!