Three things I'm thinking about:
1. Year-round Homeschooling: I'm researching right now into the pros and cons of year-round schooling. Since I worked in the school system before having kids, it was natural for me to continue on a "take a long summer off" schedule. Right now, I'm looking at different ways this could really benefit us as a family and help cultivate creativity in our lives. I'll get back with you on this one!
2. That a $12 purchase by my kids was totally worth it!!! They pooled their cash and got this table top air hockey game. They set it up and take it down. Just the ticket for these cold winter days!
3. It's better to be fit than to be skinny! It always seems like I lose more weight when I just don't eat as much. BUT....I feel better when I exercise, even if I lose weight slower. My mood is better, I sleep better (usually), and feel slimmer (even if I'm not!). I can't understand why I stop exercising for periods of time!
Here's an extra one today:
I'm loving wearing scarves right now, even though most of them ARE Tera's!
photo credit: Michael
What are three things you're thinking about today?