
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Play

We don't get much snow in our area, a few dustings a year usually.  This time, we got enough to really sled.  JP's shift even got cancelled, which NEVER happens!  We played, drank hot drinks, ate cookie cake and watch movies in the middle of the week.   We still didn't take an official "snow" day!  My poor kids.  

Daddy sent us out to play by ourselves, but he just couldn't resist coming out and joining in the fun!!!!

We prayed when we moved here that the Lord would provide us with good neighbors and with some neighbor--kids!  He answered both of those prayers!  Our neighbors came over and sledded with us both days.  All the kids taking turns on the sleds.  The kids had a blast and braved the cold a whole lot longer.  Isn't that the case in life?  We can last so much longer with friends at our side!