Yesterday, my kids were outside in short sleeves playing for hours....
Today, we had to bundle up to even go outside for less than 30 minutes....
I was planning on taking a snow day today, but decided we didn't get enough snow to call for a snow day. (Tera's only complaint about homeschooling---no snow days; at least not in this house.) We did the odds in our math lessons and went out to play. It was arctic! We stayed out for a short time. The kids were so well dressed, they were sweating under their jackets and snow bibs. I decided I'm buying myself some winter gear like theirs next year!
We came in, had hot chocolate and did a little spelling. In honor of the snow, we read Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. Michael and I had a reading lesson and read his read aloud pick, Charlotte's Web. We did Bible, our other two read alouds and instrument practices. After lunch, the kids watched the BBC version of The Snow Queen. It's a truly unique take on this classic fairy tale.

It seems instead of hitting our second semester hard and fast, we are easing back into the swing of things gradually. That feels perfectly right to me!