
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Feelin' Good

I've been feeling really good these past 4 days.  I've exercised every day and have drastically reduced my sugar intake.  Certain times of the month I can be a real cranky sorta person, but this week almost nothing.  My husband even commented on how he hadn't noticed anything.  The only things I've changed have been exercising daily, cutting sugar and doing my daily devotions. 

I've been home so much lately, it's starting to feel a bit unnatural.  I have to say I do like it....I feel routined, steady....less stressed out.  It feels good!

I haven't stopped at any stores to supplement our groceries and we're over halfway there!  I think I'll even have things left over to carry us longer than two weeks in the dinner department.  I made a batch of crockpot refried beans yesterday and muffins (pumpkin and English for the freezer).  Those refried beans are awesome and in the freezer waiting for future meals.  That feels so good!

Last night, we had a game night and finished one of our read-alouds in my bed before bedtime.  Everyone went to bed happy!  That feels good!