
Monday, December 30, 2013



This is a milestone year for 20th wedding anniversary AND I turn 40!  Come March I've been married just a few months more than half my life.     I'm good with the anniversary, turning 40 not so much.  I'm reminded of aging on a daily basis.  I almost broke my teeth on a hard cereal bar the other day and my mouth is still sore.  I had to wait to clasp a necklace the other morning because my fingers were just a bit stiff first thing in the morning.  I want to hit 40 full speed ahead-beating back the clock,  so I have big ideals for this year.  I know, I know...resolutions can be self-defeating, but I'm going to do it anyway!

Follow my passion--- I've loved music, probably since the day I was born.  Somehow since I don't actively teach music or lead music anymore, it's gotten pushed aside.  This year I sang at 2 community events and realized how much I miss sharing music with others. I'm committing to changing that this year.  I don't know how it will happen.  But I will follow my passion and see where God takes me.  JP and I are already finding some new music to practice together.  Maybe 2015 will find us on the road...just kidding. 

I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. 
And when I run I feel His pleasure. 
Eric Liddell

Get in shape--- Okay, I know this is on everyone's list after the holidays.   I'm about 10-12 lbs. away from an ideal weight for me that I've haven't seen since high school graduation.  I already wear clothes sizes that I've never worn, but I want to feel strong and trim.  Comfortable in my own skin.  I want to hike more and just be more active in general.

Be in the moment---I'm way too serious and think too much about what's going to happen tomorrow or next week.  I want to go with the flow, laugh, play the games and let tomorrow worry about itself.  I want to be present and not staring at a screen.  I want to be spontaneous and explore new places. 

Speak life---I want to be an encourager of others.  Put away thoughts and words of criticism and judgment.  Encourage others to follow their passions and gifts.  Be an encouragement to my spouse and children.  

Seek God---I've felt a struggle with my own personal devotion time at different times.  I just want to seek God this year whatever that looks like.  

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness 
and all these things shall be added unto you." 
Matthew 6:33

It's my thing---I'm such a people pleaser in a not-so-good way at times.  I let expectations of others rule me at times.  I want to do my own thing this year...come into my own skin...not worry about what others will think of me if I'm doing what's best for our family...say no unashamedly...say yes excitedly!  

I feel so excited for a new year, a new start, a new beginning.  I want to look back one day and say, "The year I turned 40 was the year I really starting living!"

What about you?  What do you want to accomplish in 2014? 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

October-December Reads

P.S. Be Eleven by Rita Williams-Garcia
Prisoner 88 by Leah Pileggi
Holes by Louis Sachar
Son by Lois Lowry
Finding Christmas:  Stories of Startling Joy and Perfect Peace by James Calvin Schaap
Seeing Through the Fog:  Hope When Your World Falls Apart by Ed Dobson
The Albert Gate Mystery  by Anna Katherine Green
Seeker of Stars:  A Novel by Susan Fish
Duck Dynasty:  Faith and Togetherness by Linda McClintock
Homemade Christmas by Tawra Kellam

I read 72 or so books this entire year!  I feel really good about that and I'm looking forward to lots of reading in 2014!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

More glimpses

Grandparents and aunts/uncles sent all kinds of fun gifts for the kids this year!

I love how even the smallest gifts given with thoughtfulness can be so appreciated.

The kids usually ask Santa for one gift each year.  It's usually not that expensive and something they really, really want.  I knew what I wanted "Santa" to bring them this year, so they couldn't ask.   I wasn't sure what to give Michael until I won a VTech digital camera from a fellow blogger.  He loved it!

My kids are avid readers.  We usually go to the library once a week and sometimes that is just not enough.  They ask for books for Christmas and birthdays.  Last year, JP and I got each other basic Kindles.  We have enjoyed downloading free classics from and we have read more this year than we have in a long time.  This year I wanted to splurge and get Tera and Daniel a Kindle.  We are very committed to not over-doing it with electronics in our home or unsupervised internet access.  So, we got them the basic Kindles as well.  Their faces were priceless.  I let them open the cases first and Daniel thought it was a journal cover.  When they realized they actually got a Kindle, they couldn't believe it!  Our kids would never have asked for something like a Kindle.  I'm so glad we could do this for them!  Daniel has not put his down since Christmas! 

We had a very blessed Christmas this year and we give thanks!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Glimpses of Christmas 2013

Handmade gifts

 Tera made these for me...I cried!

A felt dress-up set for Michael

Daniel and JP made this jewelry holder for Tera

Tera quilled an entire chess set for Daniel

Tera and Daniel  painted paintings for Daddy

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve-The 3rd Annual Vilaire Family Spectacular

For the past few years, Tera has written and directed a play that the kids perform for us on Christmas Eve.  We've had Twas' the Night Before Christmas and The Christmas Carol versions.  This year was a Christmas around the world theme.  

They did so much work ahead of time--writing, typing, researching, making props, rehearsing.  Tera made a Christmas Around the World poster and Daniel wrote a book review of The Christmas Carol.  Tera also made those cute little flags from various countries.  I'm so astonished at what these kids can accomplish!  They worked so hard!

We had solos on the flute and piano in addition to at least one duet with flute and Michael singing along.  There were three skits telling Christmas tales from around the world.  There was even an intermission with cookies.  

It was an awesome show and one that we look forward to every Christmas Eve!  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Good days!

 More art work...

We've been so blessed today!  Our neighbor came by and brought us some yummy goodies and a cool stamping gift for the kids that they loved!  Then, our friends came by to exchange gifts!  All our kids made homemade gifts for each other this year.

 It amazes me when I see all our kids using their talents for others!

Tera and Michael rolled out cookies (store bought) for gingerbread men and assorted shapes.

It's just been a good day!