
Saturday, December 28, 2013

More glimpses

Grandparents and aunts/uncles sent all kinds of fun gifts for the kids this year!

I love how even the smallest gifts given with thoughtfulness can be so appreciated.

The kids usually ask Santa for one gift each year.  It's usually not that expensive and something they really, really want.  I knew what I wanted "Santa" to bring them this year, so they couldn't ask.   I wasn't sure what to give Michael until I won a VTech digital camera from a fellow blogger.  He loved it!

My kids are avid readers.  We usually go to the library once a week and sometimes that is just not enough.  They ask for books for Christmas and birthdays.  Last year, JP and I got each other basic Kindles.  We have enjoyed downloading free classics from and we have read more this year than we have in a long time.  This year I wanted to splurge and get Tera and Daniel a Kindle.  We are very committed to not over-doing it with electronics in our home or unsupervised internet access.  So, we got them the basic Kindles as well.  Their faces were priceless.  I let them open the cases first and Daniel thought it was a journal cover.  When they realized they actually got a Kindle, they couldn't believe it!  Our kids would never have asked for something like a Kindle.  I'm so glad we could do this for them!  Daniel has not put his down since Christmas! 

We had a very blessed Christmas this year and we give thanks!