
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Friday Fun

More concerts at the library...


I'm so blessed that my children have the time to learn their way around the kitchen.  When I'm overwhelmed with a great to-do list, I give someone a recipe and say, "Would you mind making this?"  They hardly ever turn down the opportunity to cook or bake.  

Friday night was our town tree lighting ceremony.  Tera and I volunteer with the organization that decorates the town and distributes food and toys to the needy.  Tera and Daniel manned the 1st annual Secret Santa Workshop.  Children attending the event could see Santa and then pick out (free of charge) gifts for their parents and siblings.  The kids and some other elves helped to wrap the gifts. After I sang near the end of the program, I went in to check on them, they were working it like pros!  So proud of these two!

Several of our friends were able to attend this year.  I'm thankful for my friend Lynn, who took the above picture of the tree, Michael and one of me while I was singing "Go Tell it on the Mountain"

I love these pictures of Daniel seriously discussing the North Pole with Santa

After we cleaned up the workshop and helped with table and chairs, we barely made it up the hill to the local Methodist church for their live Nativity.  Just as we walked up, all the shepherds and angels were going to get out of costume.  But "Jesus" was still there.  It struck me in that moment how true that is in life.  Everyone may leave or desert us, but Jesus will always be waiting for us.  A beautiful reflection...