
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Advent Wreath

This year I decided we needed a new advent wreath---something with mason jars, non-traditional and with natural elements.  So, I started searching on pinterest, found some ideas and made them my own.  I love how it turned out!!!

I took 4 jelly mason jars and glued purple/pink ribbon just under the rims.  Tied one strand of hemp cord around the rim to attach the wooden tags I found at Hobby Lobby.  Each mason jar is filled less than halfway with sand.  A candle to light each week for Advent sits on top of the sand. 

The Christ candle sits in the middle on a stack of wooden pieces.  I want to add a wooden or carved cross to the hemp strand before the first Sunday of Advent. (I'm sure on Christmas morning I'll move the candle to a less messy place.)

I used my grandmother's platter and arranged the jars in a circle around the Christ candle.  Then, filled in the space with pretty shells.

All ready for December 1st!