
Thursday, November 28, 2013

30 Days of Thanks 2013: Happy Thanksgiving!

I started this 30 Days of Thanks in an effort to make Thanksgiving a season, rather than just one day of thanks.  Some days were more challenging than others.  I believe that when we practice thanksgiving on a daily basis, it helps us to look for the good things in every situation.  

I'm thankful for all of those who joined me---in whatever way you decided---by linking up, blogging about it or just by saying an extra prayer of thanksgiving. 

I'm thankful today that I get to be surrounded by the 4 people I love most in this world. 

I'm thankful that we have a peaceful home (most of the time, that is) that is filled with love and respect for each other. 

I'm thankful to my Maker who has given me too many blessings to count.  

I'm thankful that my husband is not a football fan.  

I'm thankful that today will be spent eating and being together!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving from Eclectic Momma!