
Monday, November 25, 2013

30 Days of Thanks 2013: Day 27

I am thankful for being able to assemble together with fellow believers to read the Word, fellowship over good food, pray, and share music.

I am thankful when things aren't as bad as they could have been. 

I am thankful for time shared with friends. 

I am thankful for cornbread dressing...a taste of home. 

I am thankful for a month of relaxed school. 

I am thankful for clear, starry nights and the thrill of an amateur astronomer finding Jupiter in the sky. 

I am thankful for my beautiful children. 

I am thankful for the look of pride I noticed on my husband's face while gazing at our children across the table. 

I am thankful my turkey is already cooked and ready for Thanksgiving Day. 

I am thankful that JP got the job of carving it and getting it ready for the freezer. 

I am thankful for a boy's winter coat we bought several years ago for $5 and it fits just right this year! 

I am thankful for a warm house on a cold night.