I give thanks:
- for beautiful school pictures (Yes, we have an awesome home school group with a yearbook among other things.)
- for our home school support groups and all it's opportunities.
- for little boys who seem to pick up on things by osmosis like algebra.
- for dirty socks in K'nex buckets.
- for roast chicken and vegetables and how good my house smells while it's cooking.
- for things crossed off on a long to-do list.
- that my kids help around the house with chores and cooking (even if it's just muffins for breakfast).
- for fun and goofy times playing games with these two.
- that Michael loves building things--I love to see what things that boy can come up with. Most recently it was a DVD player out of K'nex and he used a viewfinder disc for his DVD.
May I never forget the Giver of all good gifts!