
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

30 Days of Thanks 2013: Day 22

Things I give thanks for:

  • good dental care
  • hearing my kids practice for the 3rd Annual Vilaire Family Spectacular (a play that Tera writes for a private showing on Christmas Eve).
  • my husband taking over a situation that has been frustrating me.
  • $0.69 a lb. turkeys
  • green vegetables and lots of them
  • my new Advent wreath that I put together...I love it! (Everyone else does, too!)

  • the promise of hope, peace, love and joy!
  • this thought I read in my devotions this morning:  "You already know the ultimate destination of your journey; your entrance into heaven.  So keep your focus on the path just before you, leaving outcomes up to Me." - Jesus Calling

  Going Coastal