Today I give thanks:
- I have such great neighbors and friends. My neighbor always brings me grits (I really love grits, especially hers) when they have them and today, she also brought us "the best muffins" my kids have ever eaten. Another neighbor and friend dropped off my God's World News magazines from a fellow home schooler that saved me a trip across town.
- Michael actually swam today during his swim lesson. One year ago, he cried to even get in the water and TODAY he swam!
- For these young adults who are teaching my kids and for their professor, who is another one of those good friends that the Lord has blessed me with.
- For all the servicemen and women, past and present who have served this great country we call our home.
- For sunshine on my face and a warm breeze
- For protection from the elements
- For my brothers that I shared my childhood with
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