
Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Days of Thanks 2013- Day 10

  • I'm so thankful that although Daniel accidentally ingested something with almonds in it, he did not have any kind of reaction.  He checked the package, but it had no warning label.  He took one bite and then read the package again, when he saw the ingredient-ground almonds.  I felt bad that I took his word in the store that it was okay, but I won't always be with him everywhere.  This was a great lesson  for him in checking and re-checking labels.  
  • I'm also thankful that the doctor has encouraged us to re-test him to see if he has outgrown his allergy (I didn't realize that could happen in this case), since he has had no other reactions since the initial one.  After this incident, I'm ready to do that. 
  • I'm thankful for my nurse friend who lives across the street that I can call and who says call me anytime.  
  • I'm grateful that I got to have some meaningful adult conversation today with the various people I met as we went about our day.
  • So thankful that Michael seems to be improving physically since he first started with his runny nose last Friday.
  • I give thanks that Michael had some little friends to talk to today,  as we went from art and then to the library.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts; 
since as members of one body you were called to peace, 
and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

 You can also join Quiet Pandemonium's Gratitude Challenge as well: