I absolutely love reading the Psalms for my own personal devotion times. It's usually the first book I turn to when I'm looking to read the Bible. There have been times in my life where reading the psalms felt like my heart's cry. I was very excited when I found out I would get to review a Light for my Path: An ABC Book Based on Psalm 119 by Davis Carman. I've always known that Psalm 119 was an acrostic poem to teach the Hebrew alphabet, but it was neat to see this transferred into a picture book for children.
Information about this product:
A Light for My Path: An ABC Book Based on Psalm 119
Written by Davis Carmen
Illustrated by Alice Ratterree
Published by Apologia Press
ISBN: 978-1-940110-03-5
Price: $14.00
What we liked:
- First of all, I loved the introduction pages at the beginning of this book. It explained the purpose of the book and gave a quick reference to all the ABC words used. This was great for this mommy who has never heard of a Xantus's hummingbird. It also gave teaching suggestions on how to use this book as an educational tool.
- Repetition--It seems at first like too much repetition that each page repeats the same phrase as an introduction to each letter of the alphabet. But I started thinking, isn't that how our children learn any new concept- by repetition? It's also true that God's Word is all the things included in this book and more.
- Introduces lower case and upper case letters.
- The entire Psalm 119 is included in the book with the Hebrew alphabet characters and names. As soon as my older children saw this, my son was all excited about memorizing the Hebrew alphabet. I had to go online and find a printable version for him.
- Continuity from one page to the next. I loved how this book flowed from one letter of the alphabet to another. It was a wonderful idea to connect each page. We had a great time trying to find the animal from the previous page hiding on the next page.
I can see families using this book not only as a picture book, but as a devotional tool. Since Psalm 119 is printed in it's entirety in the back, families could read through the 8 verse sections each night. You could introduce the Hebrew alphabet as well. I know it sparked further learning opportunities in our family.