
Friday, August 23, 2013

Saying Goodbye is Hard

Pepper 2007

We said good-bye to our precious kitty, Pepper yesterday.  She had been going downhill for a while and it wasn't until I saw the above picture that I realized just how much.  I cried myself to sleep last night because I'm going to miss my friend of 16 years.  My Pepperoni--Peppernoni.

It was weird to wake up this morning to a quiet kitchen, no Pepper there to greet me and meow for food.  She was a great cat!  I've never been a cat person, but Pepper and I co-existed pretty well.  She has been our only pet that has been there through all the years.  Others had come and gone, but Pepper was our constant companion.  

She was abandoned when someone moved and when we went to the Humane Society to adopt a cat--they were all in quarantine, except Pepper, who had just been spayed.  We took her home that day!  

She was beautiful and I'm truly going to miss her!  

Some people think pets won't be in heaven, but unless you've been there---you just don't know.  I like to think they will be.  God created them and they are our little furry friends.  It brings tears to my eyes to think of her and our little crippled kitty Tiny Tim playing and napping together along side my other loved ones that are there waiting for me, too.  

I didn't think it would be this hard, but with tears in my is...