
Monday, August 12, 2013

"Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop: School Room

I've always felt intimidated to post my "school room" post.  Just because I don't have one of those rooms you see on pinterest, all color coordinated, neat and it's own space.  I share because I want to encourage all those new (or seasoned) home schoolers that school can take place anywhere and everywhere.  Having a separate room set aside is not a prerequisite to begin or continue homeschooling.  

We have a multi-purpose dining room.  It houses instruments, tables, our computer and art work of all kinds.  It's the hub of our day together.   We learn, eat, play games and make messes. 

We branch out all over the place as the day progresses- the whole house, yard, neighborhood and world are our classroom. 

We keep our current school supplies on a book shelf in the's never this neat during the school year!  I realized early on that we needed a place to keep all our stuff together.  We'd spend tons of time looking for books and teacher's edition, if we didn't have this space. 

For more school room posts, head on over to The "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop. Click on the button below to go there! 
